NOAA Abandons BlackBerries for iPhones, iPads

By Judi Hasson | for The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will save thousands of dollars by trading its fleet of BlackBerries for iPhones and iPads in the next few months. CIO Joseph Klimavicz told Breaking Gov the change, expected to take place by June 1, would save substantial costs associated with managing BlackBerry […]

NARA’s 1940 Census Launch Delivers Lessons In Big Data, Cloud Computing

by Judi Hasson | for When it comes to big data and high public demand, the cloud can be a federal agency’s salvation.That’s what the National Archives and Records Administration learned during the recent and long-anticipated 1940 census launch — the largest-ever release of publicly available data in the federal government. With 22.5 million […]

FDA Launches Mobile Device To Find Tainted Eggs

By JUDI HASSON | for | April 09, 2012 The Food and Drug Administration has turned a mobile tablet that it calls the “Egg Pad” into a virtual detective squad to uncover the presence of tainted eggs and health violations during farm inspections. Using a Panasonic Toughbook and software developed for the FDA by Booz […]